September 27, 2024
The Minimum Allowable Wage for foreign domestic helpers will rise 2.5% to $4,990 per month, the Government announced today. In addition, under the Standard Employment Contract for hiring foreign domestic helpers, food allowances paid by employers will remain at not less than $1,236 per month. Under the law, employers must provide their helpers with free food or pay them a food allowance. The new minimum wage will apply to all contracts signed from tomorrow. Contracts signed today or earlier at the existing minimum rates will still be processed by the Immigration Department provided that the applications reach the department on or before October 25. The Government reviews the Minimum Allowable Wage for foreign domestic helpers regularly. In this year's review, it said that it had carefully considered Hong Kong's general economic and labour market conditions over the past year, the city's near-term economic outlook, employers' financial circumstances and helpers' livelihoods.